Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Free Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software::Good or Bad Option

All things have there own pros and cons but the always the pros should be more than the cons! Ecommerce is a booming market for online retailers. So these retailers opt for ecommerce shopping cart softwares. And the interesting part is that they go for free shopping cart software. Many retailers are attracted to these free softwares as they have many features like first is they are absolutely free, multiple sales and discounts etc. But as I said it has its own good and bad side.
So think before you take decision of using a Free Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software! Read more...

Monday, December 7, 2009

ShimBi Labs Celebrating Christmas Till 10 th Jan!!

 This Christmas eve will be cherished by many of you as ShimBi Labs has Multiple offerings on various products.Yes ShimBi Labs is celebrating christmas by giving IncreDible, UnBelieVable discounts on almost all of its products!!
Some of the discount highlights are:
1. 80% Discount on Hosting
2. 50% Discount on all plans of Content Management System
So hurry up check more amazing offers on our ShimBi Labs site.
**Offers Valid Till 10th January 2010